Our Staff
Our Staff

Parents' Council
Parents' Council
Clare Osborne
Vice Chair:
Christina Quinn
Eimhear O’Prey
Gavin McGrattan
Tim Jackson
KS2 Rep:
Donna Bates
KS1 Rep:
Rebecca Walsh
Foundation Stage:
Ciara Pickering
Nursery Rep:
Simran Jones
Teachers Staff Rep:
Hilary Crichton
Cedar Parents' Council
To promote a partnership between the school (all staff), its pupils and all our parents or carers.
to develop and engage in activities which support the education, development and welfare of pupils.
to raise views about educational needs for consideration. We encourage parents to follow the school procedures for raising concerns pertaining to welfare, safeguarding and complaints, which can be found on the school website or by contacting the school office.
to promote parental or carers’ involvement in their child’s education and learning.
to enable parents or carers to share ideas, interests and skills for the benefit of the children and the school as a whole.
to raise vital funds for the school
Ways to offer your support
Share an idea to help raise vital funds for the school -
Is there something you are aware of when it comes to money saving, grants or fundraising? Maybe you have picked up something in a newsfeed that would be worth looking into. Maybe the organisation you work for runs special schemes for schools. Did you attend a successful fundraiser elsewhere that you think would work in our school’s setting?
Donate your time to support the fundraising events -
During the academic year, there will be a number of events taking place for which volunteers are needed to help facilitate. The Parent's Council would like to put together a working list of people to approach during these times. If you can’t make it to all events due to work/family commitments, that is fine too. If you would like to put your name down to be called on if needed, please get in touch.
Share your expertise -
While most of us will give anything a go, having an expert to help or advise makes things a lot easier and less time consuming, and ultimately leads to better outcomes. If you think your or someone you know expertise could help the school in any way, please get in touch.
Share your passion -
Have you always wanted to share your passion for art, crafting, reading, Lego, horticulture..... with a captive audience? With over 200 pupils at Cedar, there is an abundance of interests to invest in. Maybe you would have to time to run an after-school club for a small group for six weeks? Or a one-off session with a class about a certain topic they are studying? If so, we’d love to hear from you.
You can contact us via email at the following address:
Please note that:
Showing an interest in Parent's Council does not mean that you will be enlisted for life! As families, we all live busy and hectic lives, and you can give as much or as little of your time as you like.
The ultimate aim of the Cedar Parents' Council is to cultivate a sense of community with parents and carers, working alongside the school staff to help create the best possible school environment for our children. So, if you are interested, please contact us to join in our next meeting.